NFA Courses

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Advanced PowerPoint – NJDFS
Arson Detection for the First Responder
Basic Life Support & Hazardous Materials Response
Calling the Mayday Hands-on Training for Firefighters
Campus CERT-T-T-
Chief Officer Training Curriculum – Operations Manual
Command & Control of Wildland/Urban Interface Fire Operations for the Structural Chief Officer
Command & General Staff Functions for the Local Incident Management Team (CGSFLIMT)
Command and the WMD Response
Community Risk Issues & Prevention Interventions
Cooperative Leadership Issues in Wildland/Urban Interface Operations
Courtroom Preperation & Testimony for First Responders
Decision Making for Initial Company Operations
Developmental Disabilities Awareness Program for First Responders
DFS-ICS-NIMS Update – Master
Drill Ground Instructor
Emergency Responder HAZMAT Technician
Emergency Response to Terrorism: Basic Concepts
Emergency Response to Terrorism: Handoff Courses
Emergency Response to Terrorism: Strategic Considerations for Company Officers
Emergency Response to Terrorism: Tactical Considerations for EMS
Emergency Response to Terrorism: Tactical Considerations for the Company Officer
Emergency Response to Terrorism: Tactical Considerations: Hazardous Materials
EMS FICS January 2011
ERT-STCS September 2008
Executive Skills Series
FBI Threat Breifing-Surviving WMD
Managing Company Tactical Operation: Tactics
Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives – September 2004
Fire Inspector July 2020
Fire Inspector October 2020
Fire Official Program 020422
Fire Police Instructor GuideFire Police Student Guide
Fire Prevention for First Responders & Small Departments
Fire Prevention for High-Risk Populations: Age & Disability Factors
FY08 NFA Sponsored of Campus Program Flyer
Health and Safety Program Management
Homeland Security Exercise and
Evaluation Program

ICS/NIMS Update (3/23/06)
In Command “The Evolution of the ICS System”
Incident Command for Highrise Operations
Incident Command System (ICS) Resource Center: I-100.A, I-200.C, I-300, I-400,
I-402 and ICS/EOC Interface Courses

Incident Command System for Structural Collapse Incidents

Incident Safety Officer 2018 update
Initial Response to Hazardous Materials Incidents: Basic Concepts
Intro to Computer Aided Management of
Emergency Operations (Cameo Suite)

Intro to NFIRS 5.0
Intro to NIMS/NRP
Introduction to Unified Command for Multiagency & Catastrophic Incidents
Introduction to Wildland/Urban Interface Firefighting for the Structural Company Officer
Juvenile Firesetter DVD
Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist-I
Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist-I & II
Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist-III
Juvenile Firesetter Information
Leadership-I – Strategies for Company Success
Leadership-II – Strategies for Personal Success
Leadership-III – Strategies for Supervisory Success
Leadership I, II, and III – IG, SM, PPT and PDF – July 2010
Managing in a Changing Environment
MCTO – Preparation, Decision Making, & Tactics & Strategy
Methods of Enhancing Safety Education
National WMD Standardized
Awareness Program

NFA Emerg Response to Terrorism- Concepts
Implement HAZMA
NIMS – Incident Command System for EMS
NIMS – Incident Command System for the Fire Service
NJ DFS Live Burn & SCBA Recertification Courses
NJ DFS/FFS – Strike Team Leader
NJDFS/NJSP “Project FireGang”
PICO I July 2005
PICO II July 2005
Preparing the States – Implementing
Continuity of Operations Planning-MGT 331 Presentation Slide

Preperation for Initial Company Operations
Preventing Fire Risk Based on Socioeconomic Factors: Rural & Urban Settings
Prevention & Mitigation Advocacy for Small Department Responders
Principles of Building Construction – Combustible
Principles of Building Construction – Non-Combustible
Rapid Intervention Awareness
Recent Publication Releases from the US
Fire Administration

Respiratory Protection
Shaping the Future
Skills Crosswalk Lesson
Smoke and Home Fires
Strategy & Tactics for Initial Company Operations
Surviving the Secondary Device
Terrorism Awareness Module
for the Inspector Course

Terrorism Awareness & Prevention for Fire/EMS
The New Face of Terrorism by A and C
Training Operations in Small Departments
USFA Major Fires Technical Report Series
USFA National Wildfire
Coordinating Group – Wildland Training for Structural Firefighters

Utilizing Computer-Aided MGMT
of Emergency OPS in WMD

WMD Incident Command
WMD Incident Complexities Responder 8
WMD/Terrorism Incident Defensive Operations for Emergency Responders